Thursday, 21 April 2011

Ever heard of Flickr? Welcome to another resource which you could use within the classroom!

Ever head of Flickr?

Click on the link below to explore around Flickr and find out what it is...

Imagine something children could comment on each other’s work, help each other with their learning and build their own knowledge at the same time…

Showing children specific areas in Science can be difficult because sometimes it just is not suitable to bring things into the classroom. For example, relating to the topic of changing states, it would not be very practical to bring something which could cause harm or danger to the children or simply too large to show. But imagine, showing the children real life situations where objects which they may be familiar with, such as ice, changing states in situations in the real world.

We can show children things such as this through the basic way of an ice cube in the classroom but they may find this difficult to see or link with the real world.

But not only would Flickr allow you too use it a teaching tool, the children could also use it as a learning tool. How you’re asking yourself?

“Children I want you to think about changing states that we have been looking at in class. Over the weekend, I would like you to try and capture a picture where you think something is happening to the different materials you can see around you…”

Many children may simply take a picture of an ice lolly melting, an ice cube or water…but this will show you they do understand the concept of materials changing states and the variation in relation to the pictures which they will capture will be brilliant! Some children may go on to think about other things such as chocolate and what happens to it when they are in the sun – changes states which could also create a wonderful discussion point to temperature, linking back to the classroom learning.

This could be an example of what a child may produce or find on Flickr….
What has happened here? Why do you think this has happened? What would have happened if it was in a cooler environment? Could you ever get your ice lolly back to its orginal state?

These are examples of questions which you could ask the children in your classroom.  I can imagine the imaginative responses from the children as they can relate to the ice lolly situation from their own experiences.

Not convinced?

Click on the link below to see a little about Flickr and how you can use this in your teaching and learning? This website also provides the opportunity for you to see how you could also use Flickr in other areas of the curriculum.

So why use Flickr in the classroom?

  • Flickr provides a new and exciting way for children to work together or individually, through uploading and exploring the other children's work in their class.
  • It is easy and FREE! Therefore you should explore it as a teacher and then when you are confident with it, use it to help the children support each other's learning!
  • You can encourage the Parents and families to get involved, bringing learning from inside the classroom to the home environment.
  • Children can feedback to each other and think of the possibilities; you could connect and get in contact with a school, either local or abroad and the children to work with others of their same year group. This could allow them to see the work they are doing and how it is similar to theirs! The children would really enjoy this as it is giving them a purpose from their learning and lessons. Changing states would be taught differently around the world and within different schools and therefore they could comment on what they have seen with regards to this topic and what they think about it.
  • This is not linked to the curriculum area we are exploring however...It has also got a new tool which can enable the children to learn how to say hello in different languages - an added bonus!
  • From a teaching point? Imagine, starting your lessons off with a simple image on the display board, this could encourage the children to think independently. In relation to changing states and this area within the curriculum, an image of something which the children may not have experienced or thought about, such as the weather in which the rain changes states when it evaporates and condenses. This could spark an idea and therefore be developed within the lesson to explore what happens and why we cant see it occurring - linking it to solid, liquids and gases.
  • Flickr has also developed their website from only uploading images, to been able to upload videos! This is a new part of the site and therefore opens a new way of teaching and exploring, for both yourself and the children. You could show the children videos of something not applicable within the classroom and how temperature can affect materials and result in changing states. Some of you may be thinking this sounds similar to youtube but it allows you to create groups therefore enabling you to control and manage it slightly better than youtube.
What do other teachers think? Check out the blog below which is from teachers around the world who have used Flickr in the classroom and what they think!

Does Flickr have potential in the classroom? What do Teachers think?
Check out the links below which are also blogs which teachers are discussing Flickr and how it can be used within an educational enviroment...

This link is a blog which has been created by educators in which feel Flickr should be used within the classroom. They organised a six week programme to find and propose the potential for Flickr within the classroom and an educational context.

Within this second group, this is Teachers who are sharing links to what they regard as the best things within Flickr with regards to an educational purpose from many different countries across the world...

But what about the risks which come with using something which is sourced online within children at school?

Social networking sites within the Curriculum, focusing primarily on Flickr? What do you think? Find out what some individuals think by going to the link below...

  • Will children focus on what they have been set?
  • Will they use this for the wrong reasons?
  • Will they understand the learning behind it and what the purpose of it is?
  • Will it replace the traditional way of learning which will take away the real life learning for the children?
  • Will it take away the learning aspect between the teacher and the student?
Think it is taking a risk using something like Flickr?

One of the biggest worries for Teachers when they are using something like Flickr is the children's safety, we know we have the issues such as hardware and software working correctly and efficently but e-safety.
The Internet is a huge world in which can not be tracked easily. It is hard to know who is at the other end and what they are using it for. Therefore, we Teachers we need to be extremly careful when we are teaching the children how to use things such as Flickr as well as teaching them to understand the purpose of it.

Why do I think Flickr is a good resource for this specific area within the curriculum?

I personally think Flickr offers a new and exciting way for teachers to introduce learning to children. I also think it offers a way of developing learning to enable it too be brought outside the classroom, involving parents, siblings, careers and so on, which is a very important part of a child's development.
Children are able to learning socially and develop their communication skills as well as learning about different areas within the curriculum - in relation to this, Materials and changing states. 

It is easy to stand up in front of a class and describe something to a class full of children, they will more than likely nod and agree to whatever you are telling them but do they really understand what you are talking about?

Flickr is a resource which could enable you to shows videos and images to the children, to bring their learning experience to life. They will also be developing their basic ICT skills as well as how to upload, comment and work with other children through a social networking site. They also will feel they are been allowed the independence within their own learning which children really enjoy as they feel they are been valued within the classroom, rather than always been told what to do, following teacher's rules. I completely agree for something like Flickr to be used and work successfully within the classroom, it needs to be monitored regularly and this is down to the class teacher. I also think a lot of this could be covered through classroom procedures and expectations which the children would understand before been allowed to use something like Flickr.  

Go and check out Flickr for yourself! Creat an account and begin to explore! They have videos as tutorials to allow you to find out how to use it! Bring your classroom alive through a social way of children learning and helping each other! :)

Friday, 15 April 2011

Beginning to see a way of introducing ICT in order to develop your science lessons?

I will now introduce another resource which could be used within the classroom to enhance and enrich the teaching and learning experience for you and your children in your class, like the data logger.
This resource is a follow on from the idea of the data logger within the classroom as it will enable the children to observe what is happening over the period of time in relation to materials changing states. 

As we have seen, a data logger can capture the temperature changing throughout the experiment. We have all more than likely heard or seen a spreadsheet right? Ever considered using it within a science experiment?

We have all seen the typical spreadsheet but think back to those lessons where you have asked your children to draw up their results in a graph...I know from my own experience, if its not wheres the ruler Miss? or how do I do this? I've gone wrong, can I have another piece of paper please? It simply turns into a nightmare! 

In relation to this topic, the children will have recorded their results from the data logger of the different temperatures at the various intervals. An activity for the children could be too enter the results on the spreadsheet, either through the trraditional microsoft excel, which most of you should be comfortable with or googlespread sheets. They can then go on to explore the different graphs they can create through the software as well as learning how we read graphs. An example of what we could expect the children to produce is below, just think, this does not require as much marking which means so much more time to do other things! 

A Bar Chart

Or what about getting the children to experiment with the different ways they could show their results...For example, through a Pie Chart or a line graph - This would also have a close cross curricula with Mathematics and therefore you could also introduce this within your teaching, such as data collection and so on....


But as Teachers, we have too think about the disadvantages and how it will work within the classroom... 

Imagine, Your just about to teach 30 year 3 children how to use a spreadsheet, there is always the chance the computer wont work because of hardware or software issues - Realiability issues.
This can create a stressful situation for you as well as very time consuming one, you have no teacher assistant to help you, what do you do?

Always try to organise the ICT suite or laptops before the lesson, I have done this is my own experience and it definately does help as you can sort out any problems in advance, meaning as easier lesson for you and less stressful!

Below is a link which explores the disadvantages as well as advanatges of using a spreadsheet within the classroom. It is presented in a slideshow format making it easy for you too read, take a look! :) It also includes the misconceptions which children may come across when using spreadsheet, this will be a huge help when using this resource within the classroom!

Why not take a look at these pages...

Below is an article in relation this using and teaching how to use spreadhseets : 

This is a link to a teaching page which explores the basics of a spreadsheet and how we can use these within the classroom...It also shows you the steps based on how you create a graph through using a spreadsheet, which is the main activity explained above...

What do teachers think of using spreadsheets within the classroom?                                                      

This is a link which explores teachers opinions about the use of spreadhseets within the classroom. It also has links to other pages which suggests different ways in which you could use a resource like excel for teaching your class as well as ways in which it could help management for your own planning and organising of teaching.

What do I think about using a spreadsheet in the classroom?

Well, I feel this is a traditional kind of resource as many people think of excel as a basic kinda of software as well as only been used for mathematical reasoning or lessons. However, I think this can be used for many different lessons and for various purposes This fits perfectly with the idea of this lesson as the children could use the collection of data from the data logger, to produce an appropriate chart to present their findings. They could then use this as a discussion point to work on and discuss in relation to changing states and what has happened, as explained above.

I personally think through the use of a spreadsheet, the children will be developing the basic understand of presenting data and how they can use this software to enable them to show it clearly. However, it is presenting the findings from the data logger in a way in which the children can approach as well as making them meaningful and purposeful for their own subject knowledge. As I also discussed above, there could also be the use of a digital camera which could allow the children to use their final results on the graph through excel, to discuss the reasoning for this and what has occurred.


Thursday, 14 April 2011

Asking yourself how ICT could enhance and enrich learning within this topic?

Asking yourself how ICT could enhance and enrich learning within this topic?

I am going to discuss with you a way of introducing the concept of melting in relation to changing states from a solid to liquid. This is always a tricky one because of how time consuming it can be, as well as keeping track of it and your class!

One question for you... Have you ever heard of a data logger? This could be the answer for you!

Imagine...You need to plan and teach your class about what happens to a solid when it changes states into a liquid, including the change in it's temperature...How are you going to do this?

It takes a long time for the solid to change states, there is so much other stuff you need to do within your school day? Many of you are more than likely thinking back to previous lessons when you used ice lollies or ice cubes to show your class but found this took a long period of time and ...A Data Logger could be the answer for you!

Click on this link below and this will take you to a page which is exploring the use of data loggers in the primary school and if they are been used to their full potential, as well as how they can be used within science experiment...

Want to see Data loggers in action the primary classroom? Below is a video which will give you an insight to the way in which they can be used and how they can benefit our children's learning!

Why use data loggers in this subject area?

By using data loggers within this specfic topic of changing states within materials, this will enable the children and yourself to keep track of the temperature without struggling to do it manually. It will also allow you to get on teaching other subjects and you can then go back to this when you can pyhsically see the change in the materials. This will lead to a discussion amongst yourself and the children in relation to what they can see from the results as well as promoting and developing their level of knowledge and understanding. It also supports a view in which the children will support each others learning and will be able to scaffold their ideas and opinions with each other through a discussion by yourself, the class teacher.

What about...

This also offers the opportunitiy for you to also use a camera within this topic area as this would also enhance the children's learning as it is visual way of approaching this scientific topic. The children could capture a picture every hour for example as this would allow them to use these to compare the results in which the data logger has logged, allowing them to make connections between the results.

What do teachers and educators think of data loggers/sensors within the classroom?

Below is a link which is from an educator who is exploring the use of data loggers within the national curriculum area of science : What does he think?

This is a link which explores ways in which other teachers have used data loggers within their classroom as well as issues which they may find with the use of their data logger and how to resolve them...

You wondering how you could use a data logger within other areas of science as well as changing states of materials...

This website offers different experiments in which you could do with your class, covering different areas of the National Curriculum, take a look!

Like to see a data logger in action? Watch the video below, it is a primary class who have used it too record temperature when out on a school visit at a wetlands centre and then used the results to produce a line graph. This is similar to what I have suggested above in relation to the topic of changing states of different materials.

Data Loggers, what do I think of them...

I think they are a fantastic and accurate way of recording information. In relation to this specfic topic area,  it can be so time consuming and sometimes even boring waiting to see results from the changing materials. It is not practical to have 30 children sitting watching and waiting, drip drip drip, for an ice lolly to melt, just for them to be able to see the process and what is happening...

Data Loggers allow you to record accurately over a period of time, recording the temperature of the changing material,which can then be developed into the resource, also discussed : the spreadsheet. While the data logger does its job, you can then go on to spend the rest of the time teaching the children other areas within the curriculum. I spoke about the opportunity for capturning what is happening over the period of time, through the use of a digital camera - allowing the children to link their results with the images, leading to a very engaging and exciting way of learning for them, through a discussion and learning from each other.

Welcome all Teachers!

Welcome to all you Teachers out there!

As we know there has been a large push towards cross curricula teaching within the classroom. Therefore I am trying to introduce a way of teaching Science through the use of ICT!

Ever wondered...

How can we bring learning to life for our children within the classroom?
How can technology assist us within our science teaching and learning?
Are there different things can we introduce within the classroom to make learning accessible for all?

Keep reading if you would like to find out the answers...

I am going to focus on the subject of Science, more specfically on the 'Changing States of Materials.' With regards to the National Curriculum, this is drawn on within section Sc3 Materials and their properties within Key Stage Two. I will be focusing on the ways in which we can use ICT to enrich the learning for our children to help them understand and develop their knowledge in relation to this specfic area within the Curriculum.

There is huge development within technology today and therefore there are many different pieces of hardware and software which we can introduce within the classroom. I am going to discuss a few of these with you, showing you the different ways we can use these in relation to this specfic topic area! I hope this helps you and allows you to consider a different way of teaching and learning for you and your children! :)

The main three I will discuss with you are :
I will explore the ways in which you can use these recsources within the classroom enviroment from a teaching aspect. I will also discuss the issues which may arise and what you need to take into consideration if you are going to use any of the above in your own classroom!

Do you think ICT resources help with the teaching and learning within school?

Find out what an educator from Newcastle University has to say...

In relation to the link above, I think ICT has developed incredibly over the last few years and has opened a new world to teaching and learning. It can enhance and enrich the learning enviroment for the children as well as the teacher. Picture a typical Primary classroom in today's world, the first thing that springs to my mind is an Interactive Whiteboard, electronic registers, computer in the corner for the children to use, printers, the teacher's endless list of ways in which the schools are trying to improve the learning experience for all within the classroom enviroment. Resources on the internet are endless, teacher's finding fantastic and exciting interactive activities for the children to explore within the lesson. It has changed the way teaching is delieved within the classroom dramatically.

Too dramatic some may question. I can completely understand this side of the arguement as some may question if the traditional ways in which teachers taught was achieving far better grades. Are children distratced by the amount of technology that is around them today? Do they use it for fun and entertaining purposes rather than learning and educational purpose? Are children of today becoming too fixed on what is happening on their computer screens rather than what is happening around them?

In my honest opinion, I feel there needs to be a balance between the both in order to make teaching and learning effective within the classroom. Yes the interactive whiteboard allows a new way of teaching however I think it is very very important for teachers not too use this all the time as the main focus for a lesson but too use it as a way of enhancing the lesson and grabbing the attention of the children, to get them fully enagaged within their own learning. Technology is a huge part of our curriculum now and our society and therefore I think it is very important for children to be aware of this as they move through their schooling experience. Therefore by introducing them to resources throughout their education as a way of enriching their learning experience as well as making cross curricula links, this will enable them to make connections and recognise the importance of ICT within their own future lives, for school and work purpose.