Thursday, 14 April 2011

Welcome all Teachers!

Welcome to all you Teachers out there!

As we know there has been a large push towards cross curricula teaching within the classroom. Therefore I am trying to introduce a way of teaching Science through the use of ICT!

Ever wondered...

How can we bring learning to life for our children within the classroom?
How can technology assist us within our science teaching and learning?
Are there different things can we introduce within the classroom to make learning accessible for all?

Keep reading if you would like to find out the answers...

I am going to focus on the subject of Science, more specfically on the 'Changing States of Materials.' With regards to the National Curriculum, this is drawn on within section Sc3 Materials and their properties within Key Stage Two. I will be focusing on the ways in which we can use ICT to enrich the learning for our children to help them understand and develop their knowledge in relation to this specfic area within the Curriculum.

There is huge development within technology today and therefore there are many different pieces of hardware and software which we can introduce within the classroom. I am going to discuss a few of these with you, showing you the different ways we can use these in relation to this specfic topic area! I hope this helps you and allows you to consider a different way of teaching and learning for you and your children! :)

The main three I will discuss with you are :
I will explore the ways in which you can use these recsources within the classroom enviroment from a teaching aspect. I will also discuss the issues which may arise and what you need to take into consideration if you are going to use any of the above in your own classroom!

Do you think ICT resources help with the teaching and learning within school?

Find out what an educator from Newcastle University has to say...

In relation to the link above, I think ICT has developed incredibly over the last few years and has opened a new world to teaching and learning. It can enhance and enrich the learning enviroment for the children as well as the teacher. Picture a typical Primary classroom in today's world, the first thing that springs to my mind is an Interactive Whiteboard, electronic registers, computer in the corner for the children to use, printers, the teacher's endless list of ways in which the schools are trying to improve the learning experience for all within the classroom enviroment. Resources on the internet are endless, teacher's finding fantastic and exciting interactive activities for the children to explore within the lesson. It has changed the way teaching is delieved within the classroom dramatically.

Too dramatic some may question. I can completely understand this side of the arguement as some may question if the traditional ways in which teachers taught was achieving far better grades. Are children distratced by the amount of technology that is around them today? Do they use it for fun and entertaining purposes rather than learning and educational purpose? Are children of today becoming too fixed on what is happening on their computer screens rather than what is happening around them?

In my honest opinion, I feel there needs to be a balance between the both in order to make teaching and learning effective within the classroom. Yes the interactive whiteboard allows a new way of teaching however I think it is very very important for teachers not too use this all the time as the main focus for a lesson but too use it as a way of enhancing the lesson and grabbing the attention of the children, to get them fully enagaged within their own learning. Technology is a huge part of our curriculum now and our society and therefore I think it is very important for children to be aware of this as they move through their schooling experience. Therefore by introducing them to resources throughout their education as a way of enriching their learning experience as well as making cross curricula links, this will enable them to make connections and recognise the importance of ICT within their own future lives, for school and work purpose.

1 comment:

  1. Through the use of technology been used within our classroom, in my opinion, the children will appear to be more engaged and excited. I have been in many classrooms and when the children hear they will be using laptops, a little light switch appears to turn on and they are sitting on the edge of their seat, waiting to find out more about what they are learning about.

    It is important for teachers to remember why we use laptops and other sources of technology within the classroom which is a way to enhance and enrich the learning experience for the children. However, it is important to monitor the organisation of the use of technology within the classroom.
